December 2022 NewsLetter Newsletter

Good and Bad News Europe – December 2022 Update

Good News Europe  The Lithuanian government has proposed setting aside over £32.5mn for Holocaust survivors and descendants in what restitution campaigners say is an important step to providing a measure of justice in a country where 90 per cent of Jews were killed in the Holocaust.  France has allowed a ship carrying more than 200…
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December 2022 NewsLetter Newsletter

News about Russia and Ukraine

Lawyer Jason McCue has argued that Russia should be classified as a state sponsor of terrorism over its use of the Wagner Group, a private mercenary company. It has been accused of committing human rights atrocities including mass executions, arbitrary detention, torture during interrogations, and forced displacement of populations. His law firm is bringing action…
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December 2022 NewsLetter Newsletter

Good and Bad News Britain – December 2022 Update

Good News Britain The campaign group Newcastle United Football Club Against Sportswashing held a silent protest outside their stadium in November. They had a banner displaying the photos of the young people on death row or executed in Saudi Arabia with their names and ages, aiming to educate fans on what the owners of the…
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December 2022 NewsLetter Newsletter

Reports on Workers’ Rights

Equidem is a human rights and labour rights charity working globally and locally to promote the rights of marginalised communities, holding those accountable for serious offences. It reported that the hotel in which the English players stayed during the World Cup was responsible for the following breaches of human rights: discrimination in wages and promotion;…
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December 2022 NewsLetter Newsletter

Government Sued by World Uyghur Congress and the Global Legal Action Network

The World Uyghur Congress (WUC) and the Global Legal Action Network have brought a case on behalf of a former detainee and forced labour survivor against the Home Secretary, HM Revenue and Customs and the National Crime Agency claiming that their failure or refusal to investigate imports from the Uyghur Region is unlawful. The WUC…
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