Newsletter September Newsletter

Worth Watching – Afghanistan: Getting Out

This gripping BBC documentary told in two hour-long programmes focuses on the period from 9/11 to the final withdrawal of American troops in 2021. The story is primarily from the American point of view (though there are a few British talking heads, too) but the most powerful sections are the reactions of various Afghans to…
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Newsletter September Newsletter

Worth Watching – Our World: The Hunt for Alia

A number of leading women have gone missing since the Taliban took power. This 23 minute documentary by Yalda Hakim focuses on one – Alia Azizi – who was a high-ranking prison officer. She in effect guarded those now in power and did not expect to go back to work but was told to return…
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Newsletter September Newsletter

Breaking Point: Children Lives One Year under Taliban Rule – A Report by Save the Children

The new restrictions have shattered girls’ lives, in particular. Nine out of 10 girls said they were losing weight from lack of food and had no energy to study, play and work. The crisis is taking a toll on girls’ mental and psychosocial wellbeing, with more than a quarter showing signs of depression and/or anxiety…
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Newsletter September Newsletter

Life in Afghanistan

Since the Taliban took power, life has deteriorated fast. Most international aid was suspended in August 2021 and government reserves were frozen. This has led to a near collapse of the economy and a humanitarian crisis, with almost 20 million people at risk of life-threatening hunger. Human rights have gone into reverse. Restrictions have been…
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August 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Worth Watching

According to the Panorama programme SAS Death Squads Exposed: A British War Crime? British Special Forces soldiers allegedly killed detainees and unarmed men in suspicious circumstances in Afghanistan. It alleged 54 such killings by one British SAS unit on a six-month tour in 2010-11. It also claimed that senior officers took no action. The former…
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August 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Universities and Modern Slavery

The role of the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) is to protect vulnerable and exploited workers. In a recent case investigated by the GLAA, they found Indian students who had stopped attending classes at Greenwich, Chester and Teesside universities shortly after arriving in the UK were working in exploitative conditions in the care sector…
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August 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Modern Slavery in the UK

The government estimates that at any one time there are 10,000 to 13,000 people in situations of slavery in the UK, but experts believe it is closer to 100,000. Government estimate the annual cost to be £4.3bn but, again, experts say it is nearer £32.9bn. The Modern Slavery Act 2015 provides measures for dealing with…
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August 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Criminalisation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities

An investigation for openDemocracy has found that gypsy, Roma and traveller communities are being forced to live on contaminated land, by motorways and near sewage works or risk arrest. Two-thirds of the 60 short-term ‘transit’ sites in England – and just over half of the country’s 242 permanent sites – are within 100m of one…
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