July 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Amnesty International’s Report ‘You’re Going to Your Death’

According to multiple interviews conducted by Amnesty researchers with returnees or their relatives, Syrian intelligence officers have subjected women, children and men returning to Syria to unlawful or arbitrary detention, torture and other ill-treatment including rape and sexual violence, and enforced disappearance. These violations have been a direct consequence of their perceived affiliation with the…
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July 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Asylum Seekers and Deportations to Rwanda

The following sections provide more information about the proposals to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, with the government committed to scheduling another flight. It intends to issue more removal notices than seats in the plane in the hope that it can take off with some people on board.   Numbers 28,000 migrants and refugees crossed the…
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July 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

The Flight that Did Not Take Place

British Courts: A judicial review on the government’s policy to send refugees to Rwanda will take place in July. In the meantime, numerous organisations applied for injunctions to block the first flight, due to take off on 14 June, including the Public and Commercial Services Union, Care4Calais and Detention Action. In rejecting the application for…
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July 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Amnesty Talk – Women and Girls in Afghanistan

Nigina Istanakzai-Zarifi presented a powerful, passionate and moving statement of the situation now faced by Afghan women and girls, and of the failure of the international community to address it. She said that from the moment the Taliban entered Kabul, life for women and girls changed and, of course, it is worse in the provinces…
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June 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Amnesty International Report: Poland: Cruelty not Compassion at Europe’s Other Borders

Amnesty’s recent report on the situation at the Polish-Belarussian border makes stark reading. Refugees and migrants attempting to cross into Poland from Belarus face repeated violent pushbacks by the Polish Border Guards. Hundreds have been arbitrarily detained in Poland in appalling conditions and without access to a fair asylum proceeding and protection.  Many have been…
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June 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Good News Europe

The UN General Assembly voted to replace Russia with the Czech Republic on its human rights body after its suspension following allegations of rights’ violations in Ukraine. The Spanish government passed draft legislation which will ensure that abortion is available to all, including women from the age of 16 without the permission of their parents.…
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June 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Good and Bad News – June World Update

Good News World Central African Republic lawmakers have voted to abolish the death penalty, following Chad and Sierra Leone. Momentum is growing for abolition across the entire continent.  Believing that the Supreme Court is about to overturn the Roe v Wade decision about access to abortion, the US Senate is trying to rush through legislation…
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June 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

Good and Bad News in Britain – June Update

Good News Britain The Home Office has cancelled its own chartered deportation flight to northern Iraq carrying up to 30 Kurdish asylum seekers, the first flight of its kind for a decade.  Gloucestershire councillors have backed the removal of a 248-year-old statue linked to the transatlantic slave trade. However, the Communities Secretary may block this…
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June 2022 Newsletter Newsletter

The UK-Israel Free Trade Agreement

The UK and Israel are negotiating a new free trade agreement which both parties hope will be agreed by the end of the year. Amnesty has serious concerns that it could allow the Israeli authorities to consolidate unfounded claims to occupied Palestinian land. This is because a lack of clarity in the terms of a new…
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